31 January 2012

online classes: week 3

My work from week 3 at Nicole's Classes...



online classes: week 2

Here's my second week work from Nicole's Classes...

online classes: week 1

This past month I decided to take an online Photoshop and Illustrator class from Nicole's Classes to learn and become better at my design work.  I've really enjoyed them and learned so much!  If you're interested in taking some online design classes they have everything from Photography to Typography.  I would highly recommend them!  It was so helpful to finally learn Illustrator instead of making everything in Photoshop.  This week the classes ended and in order to win a free class I have to showcase my work!  So I'll be posting all my work from the past few weeks:

week 1:

 "you are my heart"

check out my photos & her blog here

5 & 18

5 days until I leave Texas
18 days until I'm on the plane headed to Bangkok

does anyone who loves to pack want to come over this week and help? please! my room looks like this

so come over and help!  what should i bring?  suggestions? 

going to miss:
my favorite stores. i'm thinking i probably won't be able to find them there. and don't worry i'm savvy and always shop the sale racks because i can't afford the real price tag.


excited about:
learning a new language...maybe?  get back to me in 6 months and i'll really tell you how i feel

Tonight I got the privilege of being invited to my mom's girls group dinner.  Her friends from many many years ago still get together for every birthday.  Its always fun hanging out with them because they are so rowdy and I just fit right in.  Thanks for having me ladies!

30 January 2012

6 & 19

So my countdown took a little leave of absence.  My weekend was jam packed visiting with people and I opted to spend some quality time rather than tend to my blog.  I'm not really looking forward to this week.  I will be spending all my time packing and saying goodbyes.  This morning I had to say bye to  my brother and sister-in-law and their little cuties.  It was rough.  And then I said goodbye to my cousin and lifelong bestie, Stephers, and that was hard.  It's just too many goodbyes!  It's safe to say that I have been overly emotional this week.  I cried through more than half of the movie, "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close."  I cried when I passed by the convenient store in Brenham where my family has stopped for the past 25 years to get ice cream on the way to Austin.  I cried when I heard the Justin Bieber song "Baby," because it reminded me of all the dance parties I had with the cuties.  I mean ridiculous.  Who cries over a convenient store?  I mean it's not like I'm never coming back.  I guess I'm just being a girl, but I don't think I can handle any more of these breakdowns.  

Okay enough of that back to the countdown. 

6 days until I leave Texas
19 days until I leave for Bangkok

going to miss:  
Texas.  I love this state. The people. The food. The football. And saying y'all and all y'all. There's just no place quite like it. 

excited about:
beaches where you can actually see your feet in the water.  I do love Texas but sorry Crystal Beach you're just not doing it for me. 

I also got to spend a little time in my favorite city, Austin, this weekend.  I met up with one of my college roomies, Amanda, and Sarah.  We all met my sophomore year at A&M when I lead a small group in the organization we were in.  It's crazy to think it was 5ish years ago when we all met!  Time just flies by. It was so fun to catch up and spend some time down on Congress Ave.  Here's a few snapshots from our time together...

 sarah, me, amanda


 seriously this cracked me up.  in DC i saw a Thai restaurant called "the Thaitanic." too soon?

happy monday!

26 January 2012

10 & 23

10 days until I say goodbye to Texas
23 days until I say hello to Thailand

going to miss:
baking in a big oven because apparently not many people have them...
(if you're looking for one of the most fabulous lemon cake recipes try this one below. its my fave)

excited about:
doing the official Thai greeting,  the "Wai".  because apparently everyone, including Ronald McDonald, does it.

Today I got the pleasure of spending some quality one-on-one time with one of my favorite people, my SIL, Shannon.  It's not very often we get to hang out together without any kids during the day but since all the cuties were at school we were able to.  It's been a crazy and hectic time in Temple hanging out and seeing a lot of people before I leave.  

me and Shannon.  a few years ago.

I was also able to hang out with one of my friends I met during my time working at my office.  It was truly a blessing getting to work there and I never imagined  I would make so many friends there.  It is so neat to see the way the Lord puts you in the exact places where you need to be.  And it's even better to look back and see the way the Lord was working when I was wondering what the heck was going on.  I never imagined that I would make so many sweet friends in my office that would support and encourage me as I embarked on my journey.  I am so thankful that the Lord's ways are higher than mine.  He knew exactly where I needed to be.  My sweet, sweet Jesus.   

me and Retta.

25 January 2012

11 days..

11 days until I leave Texas
24 days until I leave for Bangkok

going to miss:
Chickle-fa (as Clarky likes to say)

excited about:
thai food. apparently its delicious and cheap. 

Today was special as I got to spend it with some of my teammates who are currently at home on furlough, Michelle & Daniel Seabourn and their two girls.  It was so much fun getting to meet them and being able to ask all my questions.  They were so fun and I had a great time playing with their girls.  I couldn't be more excited about serving with them when they get back to Thailand in the summer.  I know Michelle and I are going to have some super great adventures! 

24 January 2012

12 days...

12 days until I leave Texas
25 days until I leave for Bangkok

going to miss:
h.e.b. tortillas. I seriously feel bad for everyone who doesn't live in Texas and can't buy them. You're missing out.  

excited about:
meeting my team and serving alongside them.

various observations from my journey to moving overseas:
-people tend to give you the special treatment if you really need to get an appt. or have something done and you tell them you are leaving the country for 2 years.  its been super nice.  
-most people confuse thailand and taiwan.  
-its hard to say goodbye over and over and over again.

23 January 2012


What's a better way to spend my last month-ish before I leave than reminisce on things I'll miss and think about the things I'm most excited about.  So the daily countdown has officially begun.

13 days until I leave Texas and head to Charlotte,NC
26 days until I leave Charlotte for Bangkok

going to miss:
my nieces and nephews. i'm obsessed, i know. but look at them...

excited about:
living in a big city, and I mean big (pop. approx. 12 million).
 I am also fully aware that this may be the very thing I am least excited about in 26 days.  
But for now I'm excited. 

The last couple weeks have been jammed pack as I've been getting my things in order to leave.  My plane tickets are bought and things are finally starting to feel real.

The Lord was also faithful to get my visa processed and approved in record time.  I am all set and ready to go, except for the packing.  Who wants to help?  Any good suggestions on what I should bring?

This week I am hanging out in Temple this week with my brother's family and soaking up all the cuteness of my nieces and nephews.  I honestly don't know how I'm going to leave them.  I was introduced this past week at my church in here, Temple Bible Church, and prayed over as I went out to the field.  I could not be more thankful to have so many churches and friends and family who are passionate about seeing God's kingdom come to the ends of the earth.  If you are a financial and/or prayer supporter for me I am so thankful for you.  I feel so blessed to know so many generous people who are constantly encouraging me along the way.  

I'm also trying to make sure I have everyone's email and contact info before I go.  If you want to keep up with what I'm doing when I get to Thailand you can subscribe to my newsletter here:

05 January 2012


can't believe i'm a quarter of a century old.  here's to 25.

this year i'm partying like i was 6 again...
las & me 

my perfect party...

sources: 12345, & 6

02 January 2012

a year-end review, the best of 2011

farewell 2011....can't believe it's already 2012.  How come no one told me that once I graduated college that life would fly by?  What is that about?  Is this seriously how the rest of my life is going to feel?

2011 was such a year of growth, life changes, leaving my job, going to Africa, deciding to move to Thailand, living in North Carolina, moving back to Texas, meeting new friends, and saying goodbye to old ones.  I am really looking forward to 2012.  I don't think I have ever been this excited about what a year had in store - moving to a new country, leaving behind everyone I know, learning everything all over,  hopefully speaking Thai, and most importantly bringing the LOVE of Christ to the hurting, needy, and afflicted.

So I'm not good at making & keeping new year's resolutions BUT this year I'm making a PROMISE to you & myself that I WILL be a better blogger.  Since I operate best on deadlines this whole blogging thing is hard for me because let's be honest I don't give myself a deadline.  However, I figure since I am moving halfway across the world my family will constantly be hassling me to post, so in turn hopefully I will be better.  Since I spoke this on the world wide web then I will have to do it.  So if I don't post often please feel free to bug me until I do.

My other new year's resolutions are to: learn a new language, learn a new culture, move to a big city, try new food, wear different clothes, and go to asia.  Oh wait, I'm already going to be doing all those things.  I figure if I make resolutions that I'm already going to do then I won't fail! Win-win situation.

In order to remember 2011 I decided to do a year-end review. here it goes. enjoy.

i celebrated my 24th birthday. with the biggest balloon ever and a flower delivery from a special little girl.

i hung out with this cutie...a lot. 

and this one. 

i helped out with YoungLife and did a Snooki cameo.  and put a toilet paper roll in my hair to make the poof poofier.

i baked a lot of cakes and had too much fun with my co-workers. 

it snowed. i almost ran off the road. i played in it instead of worked. and i built the smallest snowman. 

i met these two lovely ladies through YL. 

i played basketball (baseball, soccer, football) a lot....and lost a lot.

i made more cakes. 

my brother and sister-in-law adopted these cuties from rwanda, africa.  it changed my life. 

and i went with them

and i got touched, hugged, tugged, and loved by these cuties.

my friend sarah from college moved to belton and we got to reconnect. she's the best encourager i know.

audrey left me some important notes whenever i left the house. "earthquakes are happening in japan," "lady gaga concert," and my favorite "dear fer fer, thank you for nothing."

saw matt wertz & ben rector in austin.

took a lot of pictures for people.

hung out in waco with bexy. won the RG3 giveaway. and loved me some Perry Jones III.

laughed, danced, played, snuggled, read, slept, and ate with these cuties.  and bawled my eyes out when i moved out of the house.

left my job and decided to move to Thailand. got a goodbye cake with a mysterious object that turned out to be an airplane.

the biebs came to my goodbye party at work.

had a lot of family dance parties. got to love the kinect.

and made even more cakes.

went to the beach with my family.

stephers moved back to texas and the three cousins/besties were reunited.

finally visit my college bestie, Chelsea, at Pine Cove.

roadtripped with Chelsea to visit our other college bestie, Lacey, in Memphis. all three finally reunited after 2 years.

made a crowd go from 4 to 30 due to our mad kareoking skills. "no scrubs," "PYT," & "i want you back" are always classics.

my college bestie, ashley, came out with a cd. go buy it now. trust me.

met up with my beaumont besties in Tennessee and saw the largest firework show ever in chattanooga.

lived here for 11-weeks in union mills, NC in the smallest apt. ever also known as the hobbit hole.  it only had one window.

finally met my parnter and roomie in Thailand, Kristen.

almost broke a leg roller skating.

made some dear friends moving all over the world to share the hope of Christ. 

took a road trip to D.C. 

visited every monument + smithsonians + some in one day.  

and my feet almost fell off.

made a phineas & ferb cake.

and then dressed up for the party. good thing i watch cartoons on saturdays with the nieces and nephews so i'm in the know.

saw a real fall with leaves changing.

and my breath was taken away.

had the best halloween costume ever.  would doesn't love a gnome? 

made a new family at training. 

sat in these chairs for what felt like 123298723 hours.

this little cutie stole my heart.  he came by our apt. about 3x/day asking for a snack.

we climbed a mountain. kind of.

went to the biltmore.

and i left my camera with them.

the beaumont besties came to visit in NC.

went to DC again to speak at a GoCorps event and went on a hunt to find the underground currency of DC, the Potomac.

met these amazing friends headed to spain.

met the older version of me. exactly the same. love her to death. cried a little lot saying goodbye.

joined the UWM family.

drove 17 hours in 1 day and made it back to Texas just in time for this wedding and college bestie reunion.

and the three of us got to meet up again!

 explored downtown ft. worth.

and the college besties were reunited again. flat greg even decided to make an appearance from brazil.

took some photos of my beautiful cousins.

and took pictures for my cousin's new fashion blog, Sparkles & Stripes. (shameless plug, you're welcome Las)

 isn't she lovely?

christmas came. 

and we decorated.

i hung out with all the beaumont besties.

and we spent a lot of time in the country

with my crazy family. 

and was constantly entertained by all the littles.

and we had a firework show that backfired on us and we had to run for our lives.  luckily luke hovered over grandma to protect her.

had our annual edgar family kickball game. 

and soaked up enough of the Edgar christmas madness to last me the next couple years.  enjoyed my family.  didn't win the money jar. and cried thinking about how much i would miss them next year. but rejoiced in the opportunity the Lord has given me to share the true meaning of christmas with those who have never heard. 

and the Lord remained faithful throughout all of it.  he is good. 

and a little something to make you smile...

looking forward to 2012.