04 August 2009


Everday since I have been in Australia I have seen the beach. It's glorious! It is just unbelievable to me to live somewhere that is so beautiful. I mean I know I live in Beaumont which is short for "Beautiful Mountain." However, I think that the person who named it was just dreaming of Australia or something because it's neither beautiful or mountainous. Maybe they were delusional and just wanting to see mountains. Who knows? Anyways, our house is a 10 minute walk to the beach. It is just so great to live near the ocean...or bay (actually we live in the bay). So Chelsea and I have made several trips down to different beaches and it is just the best. Their is also a tennis club that the girls play at that is right on the beach. When they play tennis it overlooks the ocean. So amazing! The water is crystal clear and blue. Imagine that....Crystal Beach anyone? We love to walk to the beach especially at sunset. One night we saw the most amazing sunset I have ever seen. Words can't even describe how amazing it was. Unfortunately, it was the one time Chelsea and I didn't have our cameras glued on us. So I guess God only wanted to share it with us...sorry! But I snapped some photos of other sunsets that are pretty too. The best thing about the beaches is the little boat houses on them. They line the beaches with their bright colors just adding to the already awesome beach. I have never seen any thing like them, they are so cute! I don't know what I am going to do when I have to go home! Guess I'll move to Destin! Here are some of the pictures I have taken of some different beaches. Enjoy!

Sunset at beach in Brighton. There were all these guys windsurfing. I wanted to do it so bad!

The cutest little boat houses that line the beach!

We tried to snap a photo to prove that we were there....
More little boat houses...

Sunset down at the beach near our house. Here's the Hansen's dog, Buster, running around in the sand!

Top view looking down from Arthur's Seat.

"God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God saw that it was good. " Genesis 1:10


  1. you should totally take a picture of the surf one day for me,if it ever gets big while you are there.


  2. Your pictures make me want to be there. GORGEOUS. Those boat houses are just about the most lovely thing I have ever seen.
